Friday, March 3, 2017


Thank God It's Friday or as my friend Rocky Kendall would say...Thank God I'm Forgiven.

I'm always glad when it's Friday but this morning I'm a "hott mess" after watching the TV Show Nashville.  Anyone that watches the show knows that Rayna James died last week.  Well last night they had her funeral.  I never watch anything when it's on TV, I always record it and watch later.  Miss smarty pants here decided to watch it this morning.  Lord how mercy why did I do that knowing there would be a funeral.  I started crying as soon as the show started and didn't stop 'til it was over.  When they sung I'll Fly Away and the birds flew from the trees, my goodness the flood gates opened wide. 

With this right in front of me it made me think of Rocky Kendall saying Thank God I'm Forgiven.  I'm forgiven but I by no means am the perfect Christian, but I do believe that God has and will forgive me of my sins, if only I ask .

This post may not appeal to some of my followers but if you know me, I hope to touch someone in a way that makes them think.  So today, think about your life.  Are you living it the way you want it, are you living it the way others want your life to be or are you living it how Jesus wants you to.

Now carry on, bless your heart and keep this "hott mess" always in your prayers.  God has a big job taking care of me, but I trust he's got this and as Sundance Head sings...
Me and Jesus, got our own thing goin'
Me and Jesus, got it all worked out
Me and Jesus, got our own thing goin'
We don't need anybody to tell us what it's all about

Love to all!!!!
Sweet Southern Sass

In memory of my friend Rocky!!!! 


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