Sunday, March 5, 2017

A Life That's Good

Let me just say Charles Esten (aka Deacon) and Clare Bowen (aka Scarlett) put on one heck of a show last night in Athens, Ga.  The song that always tugs at my heart strings is the last song they sung called A Life That's Good.  Deacon said before they sung the song it's their prayer, a benediction and if you have a whole lotta family...We hope you have a life that is good!!!!

Sittin' here tonight,
By the fire light,
It reminds me I already have more than I should.
I don't need fame, no one to know my name,

Two arms around me, heaven to ground me,
and family that always calls me home.
Four wheels to get there, enough love to share,
and a sweet, sweet, sweet song.

At the end of the day,
Lord I pray,
I have a life that's good.

  I may not have the most expensive car, house or anything as expensive things go but I do have a life that's good.  I have both my parents living,  five sisters and two brothers that I love very much.  Since this is a big family to start, that means we have lots of nieces and nephews and then you add great nieces and nephews, brother and sister-in-laws, boyfriends & girlfriends, it's a house full on any given day.  Today not being any different, as I watched  the babies play and see my mom feeling good after two months of ER visits, I realized  I truly have a life that is good.  Sometimes I'm hard on me, when dreams don't come easy, I don't have fame or fortune, but I have four wheels to get me there, a family that always calls me home and enough love to share.  At the end of the day...heaven grounds me and I have a sweet, sweet song for a life that is good. 

Tomorrow is Monday, so you sassy followers have a great week and Lord I pray, you have a life that is good.

Love to all
Sweet Southern Sass

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