Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Most People Are Good

"I believe most people are good and most mama's outghta qualify for sainthood.  I believe most Friday nights look better under neon or stadium lights.  I believe you love who you love, ain't nothing you should ever be ashamed of.  I believe this world ain't half as bad as it looks.  I believe most people are good."  Luke Bryan
 Mama's for sainthood?  Heck yeah. My mama definitely qualifies for it!!  Both my parents are still living and they have been married almost 65 years, but my mama was the hand that ruled our house in more ways than one.  I'm not taking away from my daddy because we knew when he said something, we better get a move on.  But my mama was the one that kept the house running like a fine oiled machine.

Let me just paint ya'll a picture of why my mama is a saint.  Friday nights under the stadium lights?  Mama was there every time.  Not so much stadium lights but gymnasium lights.  All of us 7 kids played basketball in the gym except one and she needed to be a cheerleader.  LOL  I know, I shouldn't be so hard on her but us ball players never liked cheerleaders.   I know my mama wondered how in the world we could afford to play sports, but some how she always found a way.  I think she had the mindset as long as we were involved in sports we would stay out of trouble.  I can't speak for the others, but me?  that's exactly what I needed.  I was afraid of my basketball coach so I never missed curfew or did anything to jeopardize me playing ball.  Too bad that didn't carry into my adult life.  Guess I had too many playing ball so I made up for it after high school.  I doubt I ever made a curfew on time after that.

I totally wished kids could stay kids as long as they can.  I mean my baby boy will be 39 this year and I'm wondering where in the world did time go?  Seems like just yesterday I was the one under the stadium lights watching him play football and later baseball but for me it was more under the race track lights.  I believed like a lot of mama's I'm sure, that if kids are busy doing something they enjoy, more than likely they won't be in trouble.  I never missed a game my son played that I remember and I can't remember many go kart races I missed.   Of course I was the main "sponsor" for that go kart so I had to be there to support my investment.  But just so you know, I wouldn't have it any other way.  I loved watching him didn't matter what he was doing.

I 100% believe that the "streets of gold are worth the work, but I still wanna go even if they are paved in dirt."  I can't imagine not wanting to walk on the "streets of gold" but I would be just as happy if they were dirt as long as I'm walking through the pearly gates.  Yes, I'm not ashamed to write about this nor am I ashamed to write it out loud that I'm saved by the Grace of God and proud of it.  His work here on earth is never done and I hope that something I do helps someone else see that walking these streets, the work is worth it.

Lesson today?  Surround yourself with people who make you happy.  People who make you laugh, who help you when you're in need.  People who would never take advantage of you.  People who genuinely care.  They are the ones worth keeping in your life.  Everyone else is just passing through.  Appreciate the good people you know because they are hard to come by. Work hard for what you have and keep the faith in mankind.  There truly are good people and I truly believe this world ain't half as bad as it looks.  After all we know it's fake news.  LOL

   Love to all,
   Sweet Southern Sass

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

When Someone Stops Loving You

"When someone stops loving you it don't make the evening news.  It don't keep the sun from rising, the clock from winding, your heart from beating even when you want it to.  When someone stops loving you." Little Big Town

Ok ya'll I started this on Valentine's Day but didn't get it finished.  Valentine's Day can be hard for some and some times it brings back too many memories for me as well.  So this year I didn't take the chance of crying in my heart shaped chocolates, I went to dinner with all my single lady friends and one who's husband was out of town.  Together we laughed and talked about Valentine's past, what we loved, what we missed but most importantly we weren't making reservations for one.

Of course we don't want our love story playing out on the evening news but any of us who have been through a breakup knows it's about the same thing because it's playing right in front of our friends and family. Might as well be on the evening news.  Some thinking how sad and some thinking "I told you so."  Well they can be sad all the want but for sure no one better say to me "I told you so."

The hardest thing when love stops is definitely walking into a crowded room trying to look like you're glad to be there.  Trying to put on a smile like it don't both you or listening to the radio like it ain't your song that's on.  Lord have mercy I can manage the crowded room but dang if a song comes on that reminds me of a love past, just shoot me because I can become a blubbering fool in the blink of an eye, and I can name that tune in one note.  Yes, that's right I said one note.

So how many of us still keep the number in our phone, just in case.  Just in case one night the ex is all alone and calls us.  I'm sure if my ex still has my number in his phone it's because he can recognize me if I'm calling to let him know how bad he is. Yep, I did it a few times, a few more times and then a few more times.  Ya'll can stop laughing, I know it was stupid, but at the time I didn't care.  It took me a long time to realize he didn't deserve a treasure like me and an even longer time to see how stupid it was.  Bless my little heart, I couldn't help it, no one told me how to handle a breakup.  I mean he did cross his heart that day 21 years ago and promised to make all my dreams come true.

Lesson today?  Who in the world knows on this one but I think Miranda Lambert sang it best, so let's use her words for our lesson today.  "Go ahead and fix your make up girl it's just a break up.  Hide your crazy and start actin' like a lady.   Powder your nose, paint your toes, line your lips and keep 'em closed.  Cross your legs, dot your I's and never let 'em see you cry."  Moving on doesn't mean that you have forgotten everything, it's just that you accept the circumstances and choose to live a happy life still.  So go ahead, put on your best boots and pick your head up princess, your tiara is falling.

  Love to all,
  Sweet Southern Sass


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Life's About To Get Good

"I wasn't just broken, I was shattered.  I trusted you so much, you're all that mattered.  You no longer love me and I sang like a sad bird.  I couldn't move on and I think you were flattered."  Shania Twain

Lord have mercy, this is "about to get good."  LOL  I heard this song just now and oh my gosh so many thoughts and memories rushed through my head about my marriage and divorce.  I can laugh about so many things now that only made me cry when it happened.  My heart was broken but most importantly, my spirit was shattered.  I do not know for the life of me how my friends and family put up with me.  I was SO, SO sad and it almost broke me beyond repair.  But you know what they say...You can't keep a good woman down.

The longer the tears fell, the wider the river but I still held on to what might of been.  It killed me that things didn't get better, but it didn't,  so I had to figure out what to do next.  It took me a long time to get strong and move on, but with the help of my friends and family and MILLIONS of prayers by golly I had the will to walk away.  The will to walk away and not look back, the will to understand sometimes things just don't work, and the will to believe it was for the best.   It hurts to heal but I'm alive and I hold on to what I can feel.  I hold on to the memories that are good and I let go of all the hurt and the bad memories.  Sometimes the hurt creeps back in but I've learned with many hours of professional training as I call it, that you just have to feel it and leave it where it belongs, in the past.

Today's Lesson?  "Life's about to get good, oh life's about to get good."  If you find yourself in my situation, take a minute and think about it.  Take a minute and feel the hurt.  Take a minute and remember the memories that are good, but for goodness sake don't tarry on the bad ones.  Those are the ones that will keep you from moving on and give them the power and we don't want that.  We want to forgive and walk away with our head held high because we are strong.  Walk away because you're ready to be loved, loved the way you should.   Go ahead now, hold your head high, straighten your crown and sing with me.  "Oh, life's about to get good, life's about to get good.  yes, life's about to get good.

   Love to all,
  Sweet Southern Sass