Sunday, January 21, 2018

The Older I Get

"The Older I get the more I think you only get a minute, better live while you're in it, cause it's gone in a blink.  And the older I get the truer it is.  It's the people you love, not the money and stuff that makes you rich."  Alan Jackson

 I've always been one to "fly by the seat of my pants" taking chances when I shouldn't and living in the moment.  The older I get the more I think about those things.  Had I been more like my sisters and followed ALL the rules how would that changed my life as it is.  Would I have been any wiser, probably not because I went to the same school they did and I even graduated "thank you Jesus" from Brenau University.  Whoopeee, yeah me at 52 years old I'm a college graduate.  But maybe, just maybe, if  I were more like them I could be retired, or married 30+ years like most of them and maybe have a little more money.  But as I'm writing this, I'm thinking OK so what if I had been more of a rule follower, with my personality would it matter?  Again, I don't think so because I'm just a rowdy individual with a gypsy soul.  Now ya'll figure that one out.  LOL

"Funny how it feels I'm just getting to my best years yet."  This sorta makes me giggle because I always thought my best years were in my forties.  How in the world can I be getting my best years at 60+ years old?  My hair is graying (unless you know my hairdresser), my bones ache, I make three or four trips to bathroom EVERY night and it takes a dadgum crane to get out of bed every morning.  What's worse is EVERYTHING and I mean everything isn't in the same place it was 20 years ago and where in the world did this extra 20 pounds come from. They call it a muffin top but I don't remember eating that many muffins, but it could be the cheetos.

Fewer friends?  Nope, I still have the same friends I've had for years.  I may have lost a few because I voted but Trump, but the way I see that, they weren't true friends.  They're the ones that wouldn't have my back and they certainly wouldn't be there if I needed them in a crisis.  To those friends who have been there forever, thank you from the bottom of my heart.  The older I get the better I am at knowing when to give and when to just not give a damn.  So for those that don't like my presidential choice I guess I didn't lose any sleep or give a damn.  Crap, did I write that out loud?  LOL  Probably gonna lose a few more friends over that but oh well.

"I don't mind all the lines from all the times I've laughed and cried, souvenirs and little signs of the life I've lived."   If I could find the fountain of youth, I might take a sip or two, just to erase a few wrinkles but the wrinkles left are the survival lines of my life.  Each line holding a story, a laugh or a memory.  Besides that if I sipped away all my wrinkles I would look like everyone else and we all know that ain't gonna happen.
Lesson for today?  Don't worry about the wrinkles!!!  Wrinkles mean you laughed, grey hair means you cared and scars mean you lived!  If you have wrinkles on your brow don't take them away, laugh some more and for the love of Peter, Paul & Mary, don't let them be written on the heart and wrinkle the soul.  The spirit should never grow old.   Let's pray longer and be more thankful!  Thankful for the life we've had and the life we're still living.

    Love to all,
    Sweet Southern Sass


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